Food Pantry
Individuals and families can obtain emergency food and personal items at the SVDP Food Pantry at no cost once a month. Volunteers assist shoppers in selecting food items for their shopping carts from the shelves, refrigerators and freezers. Volunteers may also take orders from those waiting in line. In addition, families may visit the SVDP Food Pantry and receive fresh fruit and vegetables on a weekly basis.
All procedures continue to be in accordance with covid guidelines.We partner with Linn Benton Food Share, local stores, gleaners, and gardeners in order to stock our shelves. We also are the recipients of community food drive efforts like Pastega Display Lights and Souper Bowl Sunday.
Drop non-perishable food items at three locations : the food box at the back of St. Mary’s Church, the food box in the hallway of St. Mary’s Pastoral Office, or at the Food Pantry during hours of operation. Clean canned foods can only have an expiration date of three years past purchase. Please check with the food pantry if you want to make a fresh food donation. Contact us here.